Sunday, January 1, 2017

Resolution for 2017

Let's work for making Ayurveda


Dear Ayurveda Doctors, Scientists, Teachers, Students, Distributors, Manufacturers, & Administrators!

Happy New Year!

The humanity is faced with too complex health challenges to be solved through any single system of medicine in the world.

There's only one way to overcome those challenges - Let every system of medicine offer its best.

Undoubtedly, through the coordinated efforts of its institutions and industry, the modern medicine has come to occupy the centre-stage of offering healthcare to the ailing humanity, and become the mainstream system of medicine across the world.

Ayurveda - the time-tested life science of India, too has the potential to be the mainstream system of medicine (at least in India), and contribute it's share of addressing the present-day health challenges, in a more pragmatic way. 

However, this tough job could be accomplished only when as members of the ayurveda fraternity, we sincerely accept the potential of ayurveda to address the health challenges facing the humanity today and do our duties with all sincerity and focus - 

1. As ayurveda teachers:
Let's work hard and smart to develop deeper insights of the principles and practices of ayurveda, and pass on the same to the ayurveda students with the highest degree of sincerity.

2. As ayurveda practitioners:
Let's try hard to address the health challenges through ayurveda and take recourse to the other systems of medicine only when it's genuinely required. In addition, we share all our experiences with the other practitioners and the students. We need to give special attention to the young ayurveda doctors by sharing the secrets of clinical ayurveda practice with them, and thus helping them serve the society in the best way possible.

3. As ayurveda students:
Let's work hard to study and assimilate the principles and practices of ayurveda and aim at becoming the best ayurveda doctors, teachers, and scientists.

4. As ayurveda scientists:
Let's sincerely evaluate and appraise the principles and practices of ayurveda and report the same to the world.

5. As ayurveda pharmaceutical companies:
Let's uphold highest degrees of ethical standards and ensure that our products are scientific, effective, and safe.

6. As distributors of ayurveda products:
Let's uphold the highest business standards and sell only the genuine medicines.

7. As administrators:
Let's offer the best help to the people, institutions, and organisations engaged in the sincere promotion of ayurveda.

Friends, the time is running fast. We need to keep pace with the fast moving world. Let's not wait endlessly for the world to kneel down before us and beg for the best services ayurveda has the potential to offer.

That day will never come. The world will move forward and we shall be left behind to get extinct some day.

So, dear friends! Let's wake up to the occasion! Let's realize our duty. Let's do the best in ayurveda and offer the same to the world.

Kindly remember, we don't have to live for 1000 years, or 500 years, or 200 years. Only a few of us will make it to celebrate their 100th birthday.

So, let's get up and do the best for the humanity, by offering the best healthcare through ayurveda, and work hard, until it becomes the mainstream system of medicine in the next several years.

Every year, on 1st January, I make the following resolution - 

This year, I will work hard with all my strength, to make Ayurveda - the mainstream system of medicine!

If you agree, you too could make the above resolution.

The decision is yours... because priorities are yours!

Dr. Sunil Vasishth
M. + 91-9419205439
Email : 

Website :


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