Thursday, January 5, 2017

खालित्य / इन्द्रलुप्त चिकित्सा


Management of


खालित्य / इन्द्रलुप्त (Hair loss /alopecia) की निम्न चिकित्सा प्रभावशाली पाई गई है - 

1. भृंगराज (Eclipta alba):
It is केश्य (revitalises hair follicles,  increases hair retention, increases weight of hair, and promotes hair regrowth), केश-रञ्जन (restores natural hair color), and त्वच्य  (strengthens skin structures). It is used systemically and locally on the scalp. 

2. ब्राह्मी (Bacopa monnieri):
It is रसायनी (antioxidant), कुष्ठजित् (alleviates skin disorders), अस्रजित्  (improves microcirculation), मेध्य  (modulates cognitive functions), आयुष्या (antiaging), and शोथहरी (anti-inflammatory). It is used systemically and locally on the scalp.

3. यष्टीमधु (Glycyrrhiza glabra):
It is केश्य (revitalises hair follicles,  increases hair retention, increases weight of hair, and promotes hair regrowth), वर्णकृत् (restores natural hair color), विषापहा (anti-toxic /  anti-allergic), and protects skin and hair from oxidative processes. It is used systemically  and locally on the scalp. 

4. आमलकी (Emblica officinalis):
It is रसायनी (antioxidant), कुष्ठनाशक (alleviates skin disorders), आयुष्य (antiaging), मेध्य  (modulates cognitive functions), and शोथहर (anti-inflammatory). It is used systemically and locally on the scalp. 

5. यशद (Zinc):
It is धातु-क्षय-हर (helps regeneration of degenerating cells/tissues), रसपिण्ड-विकृति-नाशक (immunomodulator). It is used systemically.

6. गन्धक (Sulphur):
It is रसायन (helps regeneration of degenerating cells/tissues), केश-रञ्जन (restores natural hair color), and कृमिघ्न (anti-infective). It is used systemically and locally. 

7. मुक्ताशुक्ति (Mother of pearl):
It is बल्य (general tonic), रसबल्य (nutrient), and अस्थि-बल्य (strengthens bones). It is used systemically.


8. चित्रक (Plumbago zeylanica):
It is कृमिजित् (anti-infective), कुष्ठजित्  (alleviates akin disorders). It is used locally on the scalp.

9. जपा-पुष्प (Hibiscus rosa sinensis):
It is केश्य (revitalises hair follicles).  It is used locally on the scalp.

10. मेंहदी (Lazonia alba):
It is अंगरागः (colors the hair) when used locally on the scalp.

11. माजूफल (Quercus infectoria):
It is केश-रञ्जन (restores natural hair color). It is used locally on the scalp.

12. गुञ्जा (Abrus precatorius):
It is केश्य (revitalises hair follicles,  increases hair retention, increases weight of hair, and promotes hair regrowth). It is used locally on the scalp.

13. मेथी (Trigonella fenum graecum):
It is रक्तपित्त-प्रकोपिनी (improves blood supply and metabolism of the skin) and वर्णकृत् (restores natural hair color). It is used orally and locally on the scalp. 

14. निम्ब (Azadirachta indica):
It is कृमिप्रणुत्  (anti-infective) and कुष्ठनुत् (alleviates skin disorders). It is used systemically and locally on the scalp. 

15. करञ्ज (Pongamia glabra):
It is कृमिजित् (anti-infective) and कुष्ठजित् (alleviates skin disorders). It is used locally on the scalp. 

16. दारुहरिद्रा (Berberis aristata):
It is व्रणनुत् (wound healing) and कुष्ठनाशक (antipruritic). It is used systemically and locally on the scalp.

17. कैडर्य (Murraya koeingii):
 It is केश्य (revitalises hair follicles,  increases hair retention, increases weight of hair, and promotes hair regrowth). It is used systemically and locally on the scalp.

Dr. Sunil Vasishth
M. + 91-9419205439
Email : 

Website :

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