Wednesday, December 30, 2020


Ayurvedic Management of Allergic Bronchitis & Asthma
असात्म्यता-जन्य कास व श्वास का आयुर्वैदिक उपचार


Dr. Brijbala Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa)
Dr. Sunil Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa), PhD (Hridroga)

कास (Bronchitis) व श्वास (Asthma) यद्यपि अनेकों कारणों से हो सकते हैं, तथापि असात्म्यता/अनूर्जता (Allergy) इन रोगों का एक मुख्य कारण है।  असात्म्यता-जन्य कास व श्वास (Allergic Bronchitis & Asthma) होने पर निम्न रीति से चिकित्सा की जा सकती है - 

I. असात्म्यताहर (Anti-allergic) औषधियों का प्रयोग करें:
असात्म्यता (Allergy) में मूलभूत विकृति (Underlying pathology) ओजस् (Immunity) का विस्रंस होता है। ऐसी स्थिति में, जब कोई हानिरहित वस्तु के शरीर में प्रवेश करती / सम्पर्क में आती है, तो ओजोवर्गीय भाव / वस्तुएँ (Immune cells) उसे हानिकारक मानते हुए, उस हानिरहित वस्तु को नष्ट करने के लिए, तीनों दोषों को अतिक्रियाशील / प्रकुपित (Hyperctive) कर देती है। इससे देह में अनेकों प्राकृत क्रियाओं की वृद्धि व विकृत क्रियाओं की उत्पत्ति हो कर, शरीर के धातुओं में विकृति होती है।  ऐसे में ओजस् के विस्रंस को दूर करने वाली औषधियों का प्रयोग करना चाहिए।  इन्हीं औषधियों को असात्म्यताहर (Anti-allergic) औषधियाँ कहते हैं।  मुख्य असात्म्यताहर औषधियाँ हैं - 

• शटी, मधुयष्टी, ज़हरमोहरा, यशद (Lergex - लर्जैक्स टैबलॅट);
• शटी (Shati ext tab 600 mg, शट्यादि चूर्ण);
• मधुयष्टी (Madhuyashti ext tab 600 mg, यष्ट्यादि चूर्ण);
• हरिद्रा (Haridra ext tab 600 mg, हरिद्रा खण्ड);
• शिरीष (Shirish ext tab 600 mg, शिरीष क्वाथ);
• दुग्धिका (Dugdhika ext tab 600 mg)

II. श्वासनलिका-विस्फारक (Broncho-dilator) औषधियों का प्रयोग करें:
श्वासकष्ट (Dyspnea) होने पर श्वासनलिकाओं को विस्फारित करने वाली औषधियों का प्रयोग करना आवश्यक होता है, जिससे कि रोगी सरलता से श्वास ले सके। इसके लिए निम्न औषधियों व औषध-योगों का उपयोग किया जा सकता है - 

• अन्तमूल, दुग्धिका, अर्क, गण्डीर (Asthex - एॅस्थैक्स टैबलॅट);
• अन्तमूल (Antamul ext tab 600 mg);
• दुग्धिका (Dugdhika ext tab 600 mg);
• पुष्करमूल (Pushkarmula ext tab 600 mg);
• शटी (Shati ext tab 600 mg, शट्यादि चूर्ण);
• वासा (Vasa ext tab 600 mg, वासावलेह);
• भारंगी (Bharangi ext tab 600 mg, भारंग्यादि क्वाथ);
• कुष्ठ (Kushtha ext tab 600 mg); 
• धत्तूरा (कनकासव)

III. आमविषहर (Immuno-modulator) औषधियों का प्रयोग करें:
असात्म्यता (Allergy) में मूलभूत विकृति (Underlying pathology) ओजस् (Immunity) का विस्रंस होता है। ऐसी स्थिति में, दीर्घकालिक लाभ के लिए, ओजस् को साम्यावस्था में लाने के लिए आमविषहर व ओजःसाम्यक् (Immuno-modulator) औषधियों का प्रयोग आवश्यक होता है। मुख्य आमविषहर व ओजःसाम्यक् (Immuno-modulator) औषधियाँ हैं - 
• अश्वगन्धा, गुडूची, तुलसी, पिप्पली, यशद (Imunie - इम्यूनी टैबलॅट);
• भल्लातक, गुग्गुलु, चित्रक (Revplaq - रिवप्लाॅक टैबलॅट);
• भूम्यामलकी (Phylocil - फ़ाइलोसिल टैबलॅट / Livie - लिवी टैब्लॅट);
• अश्वगन्धा (Ashwagandha ext tab 600 mg, अश्वगन्धादि चूर्ण);
• गुडूची (Guduchi  ext tab 600 mg, संशमनी वटी); 
• तुलसी (Tulasi ext tab 600 mg); 
• कटुकी (Katuki (Tab 600 mg, आरोग्यवर्धिनी);
• हरीतकी (Haritaki ext tab 600 mg);
• शुण्ठी (Shunthi ext tab 600 mg, शुण्ठ्यादि चूर्ण);
• मधुयष्टी (Madhuyashti ext tab 600 mg, यष्ट्यादि चूर्ण);
• ताम्र (भस्म);
• मल्ल (शुद्ध, समीरपन्नग रस, मल्लसिन्दूर);
• मनःशिला (श्वासकुठार रस)

IV. कफनिस्सारक (Expectorant) औषधियों का प्रयोग करें:
असात्म्यज कास (Allergic bronchitis) व श्वास (Allergic asthma) होने पर श्वासनलिकाओं में मल-कफ/ष्ठीवन (Mucus) की उत्पत्ति बढ़ जाती है, जिसे पतला करके निकालने की आवश्यकता होती है। इसके लिए निम्न कफ/ष्ठीवन-निस्सारक औषधियों का उपयोग किया जा सकता है -

• मधुयष्टी (Madhuyashti ext tab 600 mg, यष्ट्यादि चूर्ण);
• वासा (Vasa ext tab 600 mg, वासावलेह);
• कण्टकारी (Kantakari ext tab 600 mg, कण्टकार्यावलेह, व्याघ्रीहरीतकी);
• हरिद्रा (Haridra ext tab 600 mg, हरिद्रा खण्ड);
• गोजिह्वा (Gojihva ext tab 600 mg, अर्क गोजिह्वा); 
• तालीसपत्र (Talispatra ext tab 600 mg, तालीशादि चूर्ण); 
• श्लेष्मातक (लऊक सपिस्ताँ);
• बनफ़्शा (बनफ़्शादि क्वाथ);
• टंकण (भस्म);
• जूफा (क्वाथ)

V. शोथहर (Anti-inflammatory) औषधियों का प्रयोग करें:
असात्म्यज कास (Allergic bronchitis) व श्वास (Allergic asthma) होने पर श्वासनलिकाओं की अन्तःकला (Mucous membrane) में शोथ (Inflammation) एक प्रधान विकृति होती है, जिसे कम करना आवश्यक होता है। इसके लिए निम्न शोथहर (Anti-inflammatory) औषधियों का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है -

• शल्लकी, एरण्डमूल, जातीफल (Loswel - लोस्वैल टैब्लॅट);
• शल्लकी (Shallaki ext tab 600 mg); 
• गुग्गुलु, भल्लातक, चित्रक (Revplaq - रिवप्लाॅक टैबलॅट);
• अश्वगन्धा (Ashwagandha ext tab 600 mg, अश्वगन्धादि चूर्ण);
• हरिद्रा (Haridra ext tab 600 mg, हरिद्रा खण्ड);
• शुण्ठी (Shunthi ext tab 600 mg, शुण्ठ्यादि चूर्ण);
• कर्चूर (Karchura ext tab 600 mg);
• रास्ना (Rasna ext tab 600 mg, रास्ना-सप्तक क्वाथ-घन टैब्लॅट 600 mg);
• दशमूल (दशमूल क्वाथ-घन टैब्लॅट 600 mg)

VI.  प्राणवह-स्रोतो-बल्य (Pulmonary tonics) औषधियों का प्रयोग करें:
असात्म्यज कास (Allergic bronchitis) व श्वास (Allergic asthma) होने का एक महत्वपूर्ण कारण प्राणवह-स्रोतस् में वैगुण्यता (स्रोतो-वैगुण्य / ख वैगुण्य -Poor pulmonary immunity) रहता है। दीर्घकालिक लाभ के लिए प्राणवह-स्रोतस् को बल देने वाली रसायन औषधियों का प्रयोग करना श्रेयस्कर रहता है।  इसके मुख्य रसायन औषधियाँ हैं - 

• शिलाजतु, आमलकी, अभ्रक, मुक्ताशुक्ति, स्वर्णमाक्षिक, यशद (Minovit - मिनोविट टैब्लॅट);
• अश्वगन्धा (Ashwagandha ext tab 600 mg, अश्वगन्धादि चूर्ण);
• सुवर्ण (भस्म, सुवर्ण-वसन्तमालती रस);
• तुलसी (Tulasi ext tab 600 mg);
• द्राक्षा (अवलेह / आसव)

नोट: अधिक जानकारी के लिए लिंक क्लिक करें व यूट्यूब विडियो देखें -

Created & Shared for the information of AYUSH doctors, by:
Dr.Vasishth's Ayuremedies
डाॅ.वसिष्ठस् आयुरैमॅडीज़
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Bharat 
M. 9419205439, 7043003374

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Ayurvedic Management of Mental Stress
मानसिक तनाव / चिन्ता का आयुर्वैदिक उपचार
Dr. Brijbala Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa)
Dr. Sunil Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa), PhD (Hridroga)

Mental stress results in many nagging troubles, like - 
• Unpleasant thoughts (कष्टदायक विचार);
• Worries (चिन्ता);• Tension (मानसिक दाब);
• Palpitation (हृद्-दरः);
• Weakness (दौर्बल्यः);
• Sweating (अतिस्वेद);
• Inability to concentrate (विक्षिप्त चित्त);
• Lack of drive (निरुत्साह);
• Forgetfulness (विस्मृति);
• Exhaustion (क्लम);
• Disturbed sleep (बाधित निद्रा);
• Irritation and agitation (मनःक्षोभ);
• Lack of confidence (हीन आत्मविश्वास);
• Lack of libido (मैथुन-अनिच्छा)

Following Ayurvedic Management of mental stress has been found to be quite effective - 

I. ANTI-STRESS DRUGS (मनोद्वेगहर औषधियाँ)
Following nootropic drugs used judiciously could be of immense help in managing mental stress - 
1. Brahmi (ब्राह्मी) - Brahmi vati, Brahmi ext tablet (600 mg), MENTOCALM tab;
2. Tagar (तगर) - Tagar ext tablet (600 mg), MENTOCALM tab;
3. Mandukparni (मण्डूकपर्णी) - MANDUKPARNI ext tablet (600 mg);
4. Shankhpushpi (शंखपुष्पी) - SHANKHPUSHPI ext tablet (600 mg);
5. Jatamansi (जटामांसी) - Mansyadi kvath, JATAMANSI ext tablet (600 mg);
6. Ashwagandha (अश्वगन्धा) - Ashwagandha churna, ASHWAGANDHA ext tablet (600 mg), HIGRO tab;
7. Parsika-yavani (पारसीक यवानी) - Parsika-yavani churna, DeALCO tab;
8. Kapikachhu (कपिकच्छु) - Kapikachhu churna, Kaunch pak, KAPIKACHHU ext tablet (600 mg); ELEVA tab, Higro tab;
9. Vacha (वचा) - ELEVA Tab;
10. Jatiphal (जातीफल) - Jatiphal churna, DeALCO tab.

II. NON-DRUG MEASURES (अनौषधीय चिकित्सा)
Following non-drugs measures used along with the above drugs could have added benefits in improving mental health - 

1. Manage your time: Lack of time management is the major underlying cause of mental stress in a great majority of people. Managing time in the best way possible, could ease a lot of their mental stress. You could leave unimportant jobs while prioritize the important ones to save time and energy. 

2. Have a healthy lifestyle: Adopting a healthy lifestyle makes you strong enough to bear the day-to-day stress. Eating healthy foods, regular exercise, enough sleep, and drinking enough water are simple but effective lifestyles to avoid mental stress. 

3. Do the work that you can:Take jobs that you can do without pushing yourself in physical or mental stress. Accepting and doing jobs beyond your capacity create stress and are thus well avoided. 

4. Sort out conflicts with others: Longstanding conflicts drain a lot of your physical and mental energy and leave you exhausted and stressed. Wherever and whenever possible, sort out your conflicts with others and make peace.

5. Accept the reality: Many of us prefer to seek solace in a make-believe world of our own and avoid coming to terms with the stark realities of life. While outwardly one may feign peace of mind, the fact is, we feel constantly stressed in such situations. Accepting the reality is the solution in such states.

6. Learn to relax: Constant work keeps you overly stressed - physically and mentally. Taking time out could be an effective way to recharge yourself with renewed energy and help you relax as well. So, learn to relax in between your work sessions. 

7. Stay relaxed in trying situations: We all have to pass through difficult situations in our lives. These could come all of a sudden without any warning. Instead of drifting into panic, it pays off to stay confident and relaxed, whenever you find yourself in difficult times. 

8. Try to see the humor around: Instead of being in ‘serious mode’ all the time, stay in a 'lighter mode'. It helps to lower the effect of every day stressors and reduce the stress hormones. So, try to see fun in most of the day-to-day events. 

9. Avoid stressful situations: Whenever possible try to avoid stressful situations. If it's not possible, then stay balanced and don't let the situation affect you too much. It could happen anywhere - home, work, marketplace, road, etc.

10. Be prepared for major changes: Changes are bound to happen. Take them positively. It could be in the form of a change in job, moving house, transfer to a new place, working with new people, changed government rules, etc.

11. Practice yoga: Regular yoga-asanas, pranayama, and meditation are effective in keeping the mental stress level at a lower level. 


Released for the information of AYUSH doctors, by:

Dr.Vasishth's AyuRemedies
डाॅ.वसिष्ठस् आयुरैमॅडीज़
M. 9419205439, 7043003374

Monday, December 28, 2020



फ़ायब्रो-माइयल्जिया का व्यावहारिक आयुर्वैदिक उपचार


Dr. Brijbala Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa)

Dr. Sunil Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa), PhD (Hridroga)

Fibromyalgia (मनोदैहिक सर्वांग-रुक्) is a chronic psycho-somatic disease characterized by generalised pain (सर्वांग-रुक्), allodynia (स्पर्श-असह्यता), and many other physical (दैहिक) and psychological (मानसिक) troubles.     

CAUSES (हेतवः)

Many factors seem to result in Fibromyalgia (मनोदैहिक सर्वांग-रुक्) – 

• Psychological factors (मनोहेतवः) – long-term mental stress, anxiety, depression

• Defective genes (बीजदुष्टि)

• Physical inactivity (अचेष्टा) – Poor or low physical activity

• Trauma (आघात) and post-traumatic stress (aghatottar mano-aghat) disorder

• Diseases (रोगाः) – obesity (स्थौल्यः), chronic fatigue syndrome (जीर्ण श्रम-क्लमः), IBS (क्षुब्धान्त्रः), depression (मनोअवसादः) 

• Poor sleep (हीन-निद्रा)

• Auto-immune process (आमविषः)

PATHO-PHYSIOLOGY (सम्प्राप्ति:)

Acting in a wide variety of mechanisms, the causative factors mentioned above, result in several abnormalities that ultimately result in Fibromyalgia (मनोदैहिक सर्वांग-रुक्). These include – 

1. Fibromyalgia (मनोदैहिक सर्वांग-रुक्) seems to originate from higher brain centers (प्राणवातः), hypothalamic pituitary axis (उदानवातः), and autonomic centers (व्यानवातः) resulting in dysfunction in the cognition, sensory, and motor fucntions. 

2. Dysfunction in the cognition (धी-धृति-स्मृति विभ्रंशः) affects the concentration, memory (स्मृतिह्रासः), speed of performance, ability to multi-task (बहु-क्रियाह्रासः).

3. Involvement of the sensory areas results in lowering the threshold for pain sensitivity decreases (50%), with the result that many stimuli well tolerated normally evoke pain response.

4. Involvement of the motor areas result in fatigue, weakness of the muscles of the limbs, generalized muscular weakness, muscular cramps / twitchings, and prolonged muscle spasm.

DIAGNOSIS (निदानः)

FM is diagnosed on the basis of the following symptoms - 

• Sensory dysfunction (ज्ञानेन्द्रिय-वैषम्यः) – generalized pain (सर्वांग वेदना), allodynia (स्पर्श-असह्यता), paresthesia (तोदः)

• Motor dysfunction (कर्मेन्दिय-वैषम्यः) – fatigue (श्रमः, क्लमः), prolonged muscle spasms (दीर्घ-मांसपेशी-आक्षेपः), muscle twitchings (मांस-धातु-स्फुरणं), limb  weakness (बाहु-सक्थि दौर्बल्यः)

• Cognitive dysfunction (धी-धृति-स्मृति विभ्रंशः) - 

impaired concentration / diminished attention span (विक्षिप्त चित्तः), poor memory (स्मृति-ह्रासः), impaired speed of performance (गति-शैथिल्यः), Inability to multi-task (बहु-क्रिया-ह्रासः)

• Disturbed sleep (बाधित-निद्रा) 

• Palpitation (हृद्-दरः), IBS (क्षुब्धान्त्र), genito-urinary symptoms (मूत्र / प्रजननांग-गत विकृति), low blood sugar (रक्त-माधुर्य-ह्रासः), rheumatoid arthritis (आमवातः), SLE (साम-वातरक्तः)


The management of fibromyalgia (मनोदैहिक सर्वांग-रुक्) needs a higly individualistic approach as per the underlying etio-pathology. Common used groups of drugs in this disease, include -

1. Medhya Drugs (मेध्य औषधयः)

Based on the strong evidence of the involvement of mind in the causation and progression of fibromyalgia (मनोदैहिक सर्वांग-रुक्), it is advisable to prescribe notropic drugs (मेध्य रसायना:) to the patient in a judicious manner, as follows -

i. In a significant number of patients of fibromyalgia (मनोदैहिक सर्वांग-रुक्), mental depression being the major etio-pathologic factor, it is highly desirable to prescribe anti-depressant drugs (मनोबल्य औषधयः). The effective drugs in this group include - Jyotishmati, Akarkara, Vacha, Gandira (Eleva Tab), Kapikachhu, Ashvagandha, Shilajatu, Yashad (Higro Tab). 

ii. In another group of patients, the underlying anxiety, mental stress, and irritability are the significant etio-pathologic factors. Such patients should be managed with anti-anxiety drugs (मनःशामक औषधयः). The effective drugs in this group include – Tagar, Brahmi (Mentocalm Tab), Shankhpushpi, Mandukparni, Jatamansi.  

2. Immuno-modulator Drugs (आमविषहर औषधयः)

Recent research indicates the involvement of auto-immune process in the development of FM. Use ama-visha-hara (immune-modulator) drugs that help antagoinze the ama-visha (modulate the immunity) may thus be helpful in the related patients. Commonly used drugs, include - 

i.  Ashwagandha, Guduchi, Tulasi, Pippali, Yashad (Imunie Tab).

ii. Bhallatak (RevPlaq Tab, Antivir Tab), Bhumi-amalaki (Phylocil Tab, Livie Tab), Guduchi, Chitrak, Shunthi, Katuki, Suvarna (Suvarnaprashan).

iii. Tamra(-bhasma), Malla(sindur), Tulasi(-swaras), Pippali(-churna), Shilajatu (Shilajatvadi vati), Yashad(-bhasma), Parad (Ras sindur).

3. Analgesic Drugs (वेदनाहर/वातहर औषधयः)

The sensory symptoms – pain, allodynia, paraesthesias - in FM are suggestive of the underlying neuro-endocrine dysfunction (vata-dushti). In order to offer reliefe to the patient in the sensory symptoms, it is therefore important to prescribe drugs that harmonize the neuro-endocrine activity (vata-dosha) and reduce the vedana (pain) due to their vata-hara (blocking pain signals) activity. Commonly used drugs in this group include - 

i. Tagar, Parsika-yavani, Jatiphal, Rakta-marich (DeAlco tab)

ii Jatiphal, Vatsanabh, Godanti (Dolid tab, Maha-vata-vidhwansana rasa, Hinguleshwar rasa)

iii. Shallaki, Erandmula (Loswel Tab), Pippalimula, Guggulu.  

4. Lifestyle modifications (पथ्य-अपथ्यः)

Following non-drug measures and lifestyle modifications have been seen to help in the management of FM – 

i. Exercise (व्यायामः) – Different types of exercises – cardiovascular exercise, aerobic exercise, high-intensity resistance training – have been seen to improve quality of life, and offer relief in pain and fatigue. The exercise should be started with small, frequent exercise periods, and gradually increased in intensity and duration.       

ii. Bio-energy regulation (प्राणायामः) 

iii. Stretching & Relaxation (योगासनाः) 

iv. Meditation (समाधि) 

v. Music therapy (संगीत-उपचारः) 

vi. Art therapy (कला-उपचारः) 

vii. Dietary regulations (आहार-उपचारः) – Vata-vardhak ahar should be avoided. 

5. Psychotherapy (मनःचिकित्सा)

Psycho-therapy (मनःचिकित्सा) given as follows, too have been seen to help in the management of FM – 

i. Thought control (सत्वावजयः) 

ii. Ressurance (आश्वासनम्) 

iii. Do’ and don’ts (यम-नियमः) 

iv. Code of conduct (सद्वृत्तः)


Released for the information of AYUSH doctors, by:

Dr.Vasishth's AyuRemedies

डाॅ.वसिष्ठस् आयुरैमॅडीज़

Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Bharat 

M. 9419205439, 7043003374



Ayurvedic Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)


Ayurvedic Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

आमवात का आयुर्वैदिक उपचार


Dr. Brijbala Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa)

Dr. Sunil Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa), PhD (Hridroga)

The underlying pathology in rheumatoid arthritis  (आमवातः) is the production of auto-antibodies (आमविषः) that attack the joints, resulting in pain, inflammation, stiffness of the multiple joints. In addition, several other tissues, organs, and systems get affected too.

Overtime, with the complete destruction of the joints, contractures may develop that could cripple the patient, making the working difficult. 

Other associated problems include – osteoporosis, cardiovascular disorders, interstitial lung disease, infection, depression, and even cancer.       


Ayurvedic management of amavata (आमवातः/RA) could be carried  out as below - 

1. Modulate the immunity (आमविष-नाशनम्)


Use immune-modulator (आमविषहर) drugs that help modulate the abnormal immunity - 

i. Primary Drugs:

Ashwagandha, Bhallatak, Bhumiamalaki, Chitrak, Tulasi, Shunthi, Shilajatu, Guduchi, Katuki, Suvarna.

Preparations: REVPLAQ Tablet, CARTOGEN Tablet, ANTIVIR Tablet, PHYLOCIL Tablet, Amrit-bhallatak, Arogyavardhini, Ashvagandha churna, Guduchi ghan-vati, Chitrak-haritaki, Ama-vatari rasa, Shilajatvadi vati, Shunthi / Vaishvanar / Trikatu churna, Suvarna bhasma, Vrihat-vata-chintamani rasa, Suvarnaprashan.

ii. Secondary Drugs:

Tamra, Malla, Tulasi, Pippali, Shilajatu, Yashad, Parad.

Preparations: Tamra bhasma, Malla-sindur, Samir-pannag rasa, Arogyavardhini, Tulasi swaras, Pippali churna, Shilajatvadi vati, Yashad bhasma. 

2. Manage the inflammation (शोथहरम्)


Use anti-inflammatory (शोथहर) drugs to reduce the inflammation and stiffness - 

i. Primary Drugs:

Shallaki, Erandmula, Guggulu, Rasna to lower the inflammation by their shotha-hara (anti-inflammatory) action. 

Preparations: LOSWEL Tablet, REVPLAQ Tablet, Simhanad-guggulu, Trayo-dashang guggulu, Rasna-saptak kvath.

ii. Secondary Drugs:

 Dashmula, Ashvagandha, Jatiphal, Haridra, Shunthi.

Preparations: Dashmula kvath, Ashvagandha churna, LOSWEL Tablet, Haridra churna, Shunthi / Trikatu / Panchkol churna.    

3. Manage the pain (वेदनाहरम्)


Use analgesic (वेदनाहर) drugs that reduce the pain by blocking pain signals - 

i. Primary Drugs:

Jatiphal, Vatsanabh, Godanti relieve pain by their vata-hara activity of blocking the pain signals in the brain and spinal cord (central analgesic action), and lowering stimulation of pain nerve endings – nociceptors (peripheral analgesic action).

Preparations: DOLID Tablet, Jatiphal churna, Hinguleshwar rasa, Maha-vata-vidhwansana rasa, Godanti bhasma.

ii. Secondary Drugs:

Tagar, Parsika-yavani, Rakta-marich, Guggulu, Shallaki, Pippalimula.

Preparations: DEALCO Tablet, MENTOCALM Tablet, REVPLAQ Tablet, LOSWEL Tablet, Pippalimula churna, Maha-yograj guggulu. 

4. Antioxidants (रसायनम्)


Use antioxidant (रसायन) drugs that reinforces body's defences - 

i. Primary Drugs:

Asthi-shrinkhala, Arjuna, Mandukparni to stimulate osteoblastic activity and Muktashukti, Amalaki, Abhrak, Yashad to supplement calcium, minerals, and vitamins essential, to reinforce new bone formation in osteo-porotic bones.  

Preparations: NUBON Tablet, OSSIE Tablet, Arjuna churna, Mukta-shukti bhasma, Amalaki rasayana, Abhrak bhasma, Yashad bhasma.

ii. Secondary Drugs:

Ashvagandha, Shilajatu, Dugdhika, Mandukparni, Yashad, Kapikachhu to stimulate chondroblastic activity for reinforce weakening and damaged joint cartilage. 

Preparations: CARTOGEN Tablet, HIGRO Tablet, Ashvagandha churna, Shilajatvadi vati.

iii. Tertiary Drugs:

Shilajatu, Amalaki, Mukta-shukti, Abhrak, Yashad, Svarna-makshik to supplement antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.   

Preparations: MINOVIT Tablet, Shilajatvadi vati, Chandra-prabha vati, Yashad bhasma, Abhrak bhasma, Mukta-shukti bhasma.

iv. Supportive Drugs:

Shatavari, Gokshura, Haritaki, Panchatikta, Katuki, Gandhak.   

Preparations: Gandhak rasayana, Shatavari churna, Gokshura churna, Erand-bhrishta Haritaki, Chitrak Haritaki, Pancha-tikta-ghrit guggulu, Katuki churna.

5. External treatment (बहि:चिकित्सा)


Abhyanga with oils medicated with Gandhapura, Saral-srava, Tailaparna, Karpura, Yavanika, Podinaka, Darusita, Shunthi, Devadaru, Nirgundi, Erandmula, Rakta-marich may bring about relief in pain, stiffness, and other complaints.      

Preparations: LOSWEL Oil, Panchguna Taila, Maha-vishagarbha Taila.    


Released for the information of AYUSH doctors by:

Dr.Vasishth's AyuRemedies

डाॅ.वसिष्ठस् आयुरैमॅडीज़

Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Bharat 

M. 9419205439, 7043003374



Dr.Vasishth's Ayurvedic Management of PCOS / PCOD


Ayurvedic Management of PCOS / PCOD

बहुग्रन्थि-बीजकोषीय-विकृति का आयुर्वैदिक उपचार


Dr. Brijbala Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa)

Dr. Sunil Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa), PhD (Hridroga)

A large number of girls and women, between the age 18-44 years, visit ayurveda clinics and hospitals with the following complaints - 

• Scanty, delayed, and irregular periods (अल्पार्तवम्), or heavy periods (अत्यार्तवम्); inability to conceive (स्त्री-वन्ध्यत्वम्); excessive hair on the face and body (अतिलोमा), male pattern hair loss on the scalp (खालित्यम्); and patches of thick, dark skin (तवक्-गत श्याव-मण्डलानि);

• In addition, these patients may have associated obesity (स्थौल्यम्), diabetes (मधुमेह:), heart disease (हृद्रोगः), hypothyroidism (समान-वात-क्षयः), 

obstructive sleep apnea (स्वप्ने-अवरुद्ध-श्वासः), endometrial cancer (अन्तःगर्भाशये विषार्बुदः).

After their physical examination and investigations, quite often the disease turns out to be Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - PCOS / PCOD (बहुग्रन्थि बीजकोषीय विकृति).

Here we discuss, the ayurvedic management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - PCOS (बहुग्रन्थि बीजकोषीय विकृति), that we have found largely effective - 

Etio-pathogenesis (हेत्वात्मक सम्प्राप्ति:)


PCOS (बहुग्रन्थि बीजकोषीय विकृति) usually results from - 

(i) Defective genes, and 

(ii) Unhealthy lifestyle, like - excessive intake of junk food, low/no physical activity, excessive mental stress, environmental toxins and poisons, certain drugs, etc.

These etiological factors affect the body physiology as follows - 

(i) Hypothalamus starts producing excessive Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone - GnRH (उदान-वैषम्यम्), and pancreas starts producing excessive insulin, due to tissue resistance to insulin (समान-वैषम्यम्);

(ii) Excessive GnRH and excessive insulin increase the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) by the anterior pituitary (उदान-वैषम्यम्);

(iii) High levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulate the ovaries to produce excessive testosterone (अपान-वैषम्यम्); 

(iv) Excessive testosterone interferes (आवरण) in the maturation of the ovarian follicles and their rupture - ovulation (बीज-उत्सर्ग:); and

(v) The unruptured ovarian follicle (अविदीर्ण बीज-पुट) keeps getting filled with fluid and thus increasing in the size, resulting ultimately to the development of multiple ovarian cysts - PCOS (बहुग्रन्थि बीज-कोषः).

Management (उपचारः)


On the basis of the etio-pathogenesis discussed above, the management could be planned and executed as follows - 

1. Harmonize the hypothalamic-pituitary (उदान-वायु साम्यता) activity:

This could be done by using - 

• Shatavari, Putranjiva, Shilajatu, Trivang (Fertie-F tab); and

• Bala, Daruharidra, Shunthi.

These seem to harmonize the hypothalamic-pituitary activity (उदान-वायु साम्यता) through several direct and indirect mechanisms. 

2. Increase tissue sensitivity to insulin (समान-वायु साम्यता):

This could be done by using - 

• Mamajjak, Mesha-shringi, Lata-karanj, Katuki, Pippali, Rakta-marich, Indravaruni (Glycie tab); 

• Bhumiamalaki (Phylocil tab), Kakmachi, Sharpunkha (Livie Tab);

• Darusita, Vijaysar, Jambu-beej, Methi.

These lower the raised insulin in the blood by increasing tissue sensitivity to it. 

3. Harmonize the production and activity of estrogen (अपान-वायु साम्यता):

This could be done by using - 

• Ashok, Lodhra, Lajjalu (Gynorm tab) to reinforce the proloferative phase; and 

• Ulat-kambal, Hirabol,Ghrit-kumari (Mensiflo tab) to reinforce the secretory phase.

4. Reinforce the thyroid functions (समान-वायु साम्यता) and obesity (स्थौल्यम्):

In case, the patient has associated hypothyroidism and/or obesity, there is a need to reinforce the thyroid functions. This could be done by using 

• Brahmi, Guggulu, Gandira, Pippali, Rakra-marich (Thyrin tab) that seem to improve the production of thyroid hormones (समान-वायु साम्यता). 

• Chitrak, Bhallatak, Guggulu (Revplaq Tab) could also be used for improving thyroid functions.

• Some drugs like Shunthi, Pippali, Marich, Chavya, Chitrak (Trikatu, Chaturushan, Panchkol) could also be used for by stimulating thyroid functions (दीपनम्) and metabolism (आमपाचनम्). 

5. Reinforce mental health (रजस्-तमस् साम्यता):

In case, the patient has associated anxiety there is a need to manage the excessive anxiety. It could be done by using - 

• Brahmi, Tagar (Mentocalm tab);

• Shankhpushpi, mandukparni, Jatamansi, etc.

In case the patient has mental depression, she should be advised anti-depressant drugs like - 

• Jyotishmati, Akarkara, Vacha, Gandira (Eleva tab), etc. 

6. Manage the associated diseases (सह-रोग उपचारः):

In the presence of other associated diseases, the same should be managed, as well. 


Released for the information of AYUSH doctors, by:

Dr.Vasishth's AyuRemedies

डाॅ.वसिष्ठस् आयुरैमॅडीज़

Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India 

M: 9419205439, 7043003374



YouTube Channel: Dr.Vasishth's AyuRemedies




खर्राटों से मुक्ति कैसे पायें ?


खर्राटों (Snoring) से जुड़े तीन महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न - 

1. खर्राटे क्यों आते हैं (Why does snoring take place)?

2. क्या खर्राटे आना खतरनाक होता है (Is snoring dangerous)?

3. खर्राटों से मुक्ति कैसे पायें (How to get rid of snoring)?

खर्राटों (Snoring) से जुड़े इन तीन महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नों के उत्तर प्राप्त करने के लिए प्रस्तुत विडियो शुरू से अन्त तक देखें -


आयुष चिकित्सकों की जानकारी के लिए जारी कर्त्ता:

Dr.Vasishth's AyuRemedies

डाॅ.वसिष्ठस् आयुरैमॅडीज़

Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Bharat 

M. 9419205439, 7043003374





Applied Ayurvedic Management of Gout

वातरक्त रोग का व्यावहारिक आयुर्वैदिक उपचार


Dr. Brijbala Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa)

Dr. Sunil Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa), PhD (Hridroga)

निम्न रीति से की गयी व्यावहारिक आयुर्वैदिक चिकित्सा, वातरक्त रोग (Gout / Hyperuricemia) में काफी लाभप्रद पायी जाती है - 

चिकित्सा सूत्र:

I. शोथ-वेदनाहर (वातहर) औषधियों का प्रयोग करें (Anti-inflammatory / Analgesic drugs);

II. धात्वाग्नि-साम्यक् औषधियों का प्रयोग करें (Drugs to restore normal metabolism);

III. संशोधन औषधियों का प्रयोग करें (Purificatory drugs); तथा

IV. पथ्य-अपथ्य का यथा उचित पालन कराएँ (Lifestyle modifications)।

चिकित्सा (Treatment)


I. वातहर / शोथ-वेदनाहर औषधियाँ (Anti-inflammatory / Analgesic Drugs):

वातरक्त (Gout / Hyperuricemia) का रोगी जब दारुण वेदना सहित, तीव्र सन्धि-शोथ (Acute arthritis with excruciating pain) की अवस्था में चिकित्सा के लिए आता है तो सबसे पहले इन दो कष्टों/विकृतियों का निवारण करने के लिए निम्न शोथ-वेदनाहर औषधियों (Anti-inflammatory / Analgesic Drugs) का प्रयोग करें - 

i. शोथहर (Anti-inflammatory) औषधियाँ -

• शल्लकी (Shallaki tab), एरण्डमूल (Erandmula ext tab), जातीफल (Jatiphal ext tab)। इन तीनों को एकल औषधियों के रूप में, अथवा इनसे बनी शास्त्रीय / अनुभूत औषधियों से शोथ कम करें। हमने इन तीनों औषधियों से बनी लोस्वैल टैब्लॅट (Loswel tab) को अधिक प्रभावशाली पाया है। कारण, शल्लकी शोथ कम करने वाली औषधियों में श्रेष्ठ है, एरण्डमूल शोथ कम करने के साथ-साथ मांसपेशियों को शिथिल (Muscle relaxant) करने वाला भी है, तथा जातीफल शोथ कम करने के साथ-साथ विश्वस्त वेदनाहर भी है। 

• अश्वगन्धा (Ashwagandha ext tab), गुडूची (Guduchi ext tab), तुलसी (Tulasi ext tab), को अकेले अथवा इनसे बने शास्त्रीय / अनुभूत औषध-योगों का भी उपयोग शोथ कम करने के लिए कर सकते हैं।  अश्वगन्धा, गुडूची, तुलसी, पिप्पली, व यशद से बनी इम्यूनी टैबलॅट (Imunie tab) का उपयोग भी कर सकते हैं, जो शोथ कम करने के साथ-साथ ओजःवर्धक (Immune-boosting) तथा आमविषहर (Immuno-modulator) का काम भी करती है।

• सुरञ्जान (Suranjan ext tab, गुग्गुलु (अमृता गुग्गुलु, कैशोर गुग्गुलु, त्रिफला गुग्गुलु), दशमूल (Dashmula ext tab), हरिद्रा (Haridra ext Tab / हरिद्रा खण्ड), रास्ना (Rasna ext tab / रास्ना सप्तक क्वाथ) इत्यादि औषधियों को अकेले अथवा इनसे बने शास्त्रीय/अनुभूत औषध-योगों के द्वारा शोथ कम कर सकते हैं। 

ii. वेदनाहर (Analgesic) औषधियाँ -

वातरक्त में वेदना प्रायः तीव्र, दारुण, व असहनीय होती है। इसके लिए हमने निम्न दो औषध-योगों को प्रभावशाली पाया है -  

• वत्सनाभ, गोदन्ती, जातीफल से बनी डोलिड टैब्लॅट (Dolid tab); तथा

• तगर, पारसीक यवानी, रक्तमरिच, जातीफल (DeAlco tab)।

इनमें से डोलिड टैब्लॅट का वेदनाहर प्रभाव आधे घण्टे के भीतर आना शुरू होता है व 4-6 घण्टों तक रहता है। डीएॅल्को टैब्लॅट का वेदनाहर प्रभाव 1-2 घण्टों में आना शुरू होता है व 8-12 घण्टों तक रहता है।

II. धात्वाग्नि-साम्यक् औषधियाँ (Drugs to restore normal metabolism):

ये औषधियाँ धात्वग्नि-क्रिया में साम्यता ला कर आमदोष / रक्तदोष (Uric acid) की उत्पत्ति को प्राकृत अवस्था में लाती हैं।  इनमें मुख्य औषधियाँ हैं - 

• भूम्यामलकी (Phylocil tab);

• काकमाची, शरपुंखा, भूम्यामलकी (Livie tab / अर्क मकोय);

• गुडूची (Guduchi ext tab / संशमनी वटी / अमृता-गुग्गुलु);

• मधुयष्टी (Madhuyashti ext tab / यष्ट्यादि चूर्ण);

• आमलकी (Amalaki ext tab);

• निम्ब (Nimba ext tab / निम्बादि चूर्ण / पञ्चतिक्त-घृत-गुग्गुलु) 

इन औषधियों को अकेले अथवा इनसे बने शास्त्रीय /अनुभूत औषध-योगों का लगातार लम्बे समय तक उपयोग कराना अनिवार्य होता है, ताकि प्युरीन मैटाबाॅलिज़्म से बनने वाले यूरिक अम्ल की उत्पत्ति कम ही जा सके।  

III. संशोधन औषधियाँ (Purificatory drugs):

ये औषधियाँ आमदोष / रक्तदोष (Uric acid) के देह से निष्कासन को बढ़ा कर उसे प्राकृत अवस्था में लाती हैं।  इनमें मुख्य औषधियाँ हैं - 

• कटुकी (Katuki tab / आरोग्यवर्धिनी / पञ्चतिक्त-घृत-गुग्गुलु);

• वरुण, पाषाणभेद, शिलापुष्प (यूरिस्टोन्ज़ / Uristonz tab);

• पुनर्नवा (Punarnava ext tab / पुनर्नवाष्टक क्वाथ-घन टैब्लॅट);

• हरीतकी (Haritaki ext tab / एरण्ड-भृष्ट हरीतकी);

• एरण्डतैलम् (Castor oil) ।

इन औषधियों को अकेले अथवा इनसे बने शास्त्रीय /अनुभूत औषध-योगों का लगातार लम्बे समय तक उपयोग कराना अनिवार्य होता है, ताकि अत्यधिक मात्रा में बने यूरिक अम्ल को मल-मूत्र के द्वारा निष्कासित करके, रस-रक्त (Blood) में उसका स्तर कम किया जा सके।  

IV. आहार-विहार (Lifestyle):

1. पथ्य (Do's): काॅफ़ी, अल्पवसा दुग्ध (Low fat milk), आमला, संतरा, निम्बू ।

2. अपथ्य (Don'ts): मांसाहार, मत्स्याहार, मद्यपान, मांसवर्गीय आहार (Purine-rich) द्रव्य (दालें, मटर, चना, राजमाश), फलशर्करा (Fructose), Cyclosporins, Chondroitin sulphate, Chemotherapy, Antihypertensive drugs.


Produced & shared for the information of AYUSH doctors, by:

Dr.Vasishth's AyuRemedies

डाॅ.वसिष्ठस् आयुरैमॅडीज़

M. 9419205439






व्यसन (नशा) का आयुर्वेदिक उपचार


Dr. Brijbala Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa)

Dr. Sunil Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa), PhD (Hridroga)

Addiction to alcohol and other narcotic substances has emerged as a major threat in the present day society. It not only affects the health of the individual, but adversely affects the family, society, and the nation.

We have been working seriouly for about thirty years, to bring out some effective drug formulaion against alcohol and other addictions, that - 

• Pacified the hyper-excited, irritated, and agitated  mind, as usually happens during the withdrawal of the addictive substances;

• Reduced the strong desire for the alcohol, opiates, prescription drugs, or the street drugs used as addiction; and 

• Minimised the wide ranging physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms.

All these years we used many ayurveda medicines. However, we got excellent results with - 

• Tagar (तगर) ext. 400 mg

• Jatiphal (जातीफल) ext. 350 mg

• Parsika-yavani (पारसीक यवानी) ext. 45 mg

• Rakta-marich (रक्तमरिच) ext. 5 mg

We have named this drug formulaions as, DeALCO Tablet. The name has been derived from its ability to help in the de-addiction of alcocol and other narcotic substances. 

To get faster and beter results, you need to use De-ALCO Tablet in the right manner (युक्तिपूर्वक), nevertheless. 

Procedure (युक्ति):


1. Start De-ALCO Tablet in the dose of 1 tablet, thrice a day, with plain water, just after meals;

2. Ask the individual to lower the quantity of the addictive substance, gradually;

3. Manage the withdrawal symptoms;

4. Carry out regular counselling sessions to count the benefits of de-addiction, and win the faith and confidence of the individual by assuming the role of their well-wisher; and

5. Observe the response for several days to weeks.

In case, you find that the need (and quantity) for the addictive substance is decreasing, keep using DE-ALCO Tablet in the same dose (1 tablet tid), until the individual stops using the addictive substance. 

Thereafter, gradually, taper off the dose to a minimum level. Then, continue this maintenance dose for pretty long time, so that the individual doesn't feel the need for the addictive substance. When fully sure, try stopping De-ALCO Tablet. In case, you notice recurrence of symptoms, retart De-ALCO Tablet and proceed as above.

In case, you don't get satisfactory results with the 1 tablet thrice a day dose, gradually increase the dose to 2 tablets thrice a day, and then proceed as above. 

After the de-addiction process is over, proceed to manage the complications resulting from the addiction - 

• Bhumi-amalaki (Phylocil), Kakmachi, Sharpunkha (Livie) in liver damage;

• Shilajatu, amalaki, muktashukti, abhrak, yashad, svarnamakshik (Minovit) in neurological damage and poor health;

• Jyotishmati, akarkara, vacha, gandira (Eleva) in depression.

Criteria for selection:


1. The individual addicted to alcohol or other narcotic substances must be willing to quit the addiction and cooperate in this process;

2. The individual must be fully explained the process of de-addiction and the possibility of the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms; and

3. The family of the individual must be willing to get other supportive management for managing the withdrawal symptoms, in your clinic/centre or any other well-equipped medical centre in case the condition of the person deteriorates (as it may happen at times).



• Alcohol (Alcohol Use Disorder - AUD);

• Opiates and opium derivatives;

• Prescription drugs - Alprazolam (Zolax),  diazepam (Valium), clonazepam (Clonotril), lorazepam (Ativan), zolipdem (Dactive), zaleplo (Zalep),  chlordiazepoxide (Librium),  phenobarbital (Phenobarb) etc.; and

• Street drugs - Cannabis, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, etc.



1. Manage the withdrawal symptoms with all your capability at your centre or some other well-equipped medical centre;

2. As sudden withdrawal of the addictive substances may precipitate severe withdrawal symptoms (dangerous ar times), in many individuals, it is better to proceed by withdrawing the narcotic substances gradually to avoid such situations.



Avoid DE-ALCO Tablet in - 

1. Pregnancy, lactation, and children below 12 years.

2. Severe hypertension, tachycardias; 

3. Individuals hypersensitive to any of the ingredients; 

4. Individuals who are not willing to cooperate for de-addiction;

5. Individuals whose condition worsens while using De-ALCO Tablet; and

6. Presence of any other advanced medical condition. 

Available as:

6x10 boxes (60 tablets)


Released for the information of AYUSH doctors only, by:

Dr.Vasishth's AyuRemedies

डाॅ.वसिष्ठस् आयुरैमॅडीज़

M. 9419205439, 7043003374

