Ayurvedic Management of PCOS / PCOD
बहुग्रन्थि-बीजकोषीय-विकृति का आयुर्वैदिक उपचार
Dr. Brijbala Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa)
Dr. Sunil Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa), PhD (Hridroga)
A large number of girls and women, between the age 18-44 years, visit ayurveda clinics and hospitals with the following complaints -
• Scanty, delayed, and irregular periods (अल्पार्तवम्), or heavy periods (अत्यार्तवम्); inability to conceive (स्त्री-वन्ध्यत्वम्); excessive hair on the face and body (अतिलोमा), male pattern hair loss on the scalp (खालित्यम्); and patches of thick, dark skin (तवक्-गत श्याव-मण्डलानि);
• In addition, these patients may have associated obesity (स्थौल्यम्), diabetes (मधुमेह:), heart disease (हृद्रोगः), hypothyroidism (समान-वात-क्षयः),
obstructive sleep apnea (स्वप्ने-अवरुद्ध-श्वासः), endometrial cancer (अन्तःगर्भाशये विषार्बुदः).
After their physical examination and investigations, quite often the disease turns out to be Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - PCOS / PCOD (बहुग्रन्थि बीजकोषीय विकृति).
Here we discuss, the ayurvedic management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - PCOS (बहुग्रन्थि बीजकोषीय विकृति), that we have found largely effective -
Etio-pathogenesis (हेत्वात्मक सम्प्राप्ति:)
PCOS (बहुग्रन्थि बीजकोषीय विकृति) usually results from -
(i) Defective genes, and
(ii) Unhealthy lifestyle, like - excessive intake of junk food, low/no physical activity, excessive mental stress, environmental toxins and poisons, certain drugs, etc.
These etiological factors affect the body physiology as follows -
(i) Hypothalamus starts producing excessive Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone - GnRH (उदान-वैषम्यम्), and pancreas starts producing excessive insulin, due to tissue resistance to insulin (समान-वैषम्यम्);
(ii) Excessive GnRH and excessive insulin increase the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) by the anterior pituitary (उदान-वैषम्यम्);
(iii) High levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulate the ovaries to produce excessive testosterone (अपान-वैषम्यम्);
(iv) Excessive testosterone interferes (आवरण) in the maturation of the ovarian follicles and their rupture - ovulation (बीज-उत्सर्ग:); and
(v) The unruptured ovarian follicle (अविदीर्ण बीज-पुट) keeps getting filled with fluid and thus increasing in the size, resulting ultimately to the development of multiple ovarian cysts - PCOS (बहुग्रन्थि बीज-कोषः).
Management (उपचारः)
On the basis of the etio-pathogenesis discussed above, the management could be planned and executed as follows -
1. Harmonize the hypothalamic-pituitary (उदान-वायु साम्यता) activity:
This could be done by using -
• Shatavari, Putranjiva, Shilajatu, Trivang (Fertie-F tab); and
• Bala, Daruharidra, Shunthi.
These seem to harmonize the hypothalamic-pituitary activity (उदान-वायु साम्यता) through several direct and indirect mechanisms.
2. Increase tissue sensitivity to insulin (समान-वायु साम्यता):
This could be done by using -
• Mamajjak, Mesha-shringi, Lata-karanj, Katuki, Pippali, Rakta-marich, Indravaruni (Glycie tab);
• Bhumiamalaki (Phylocil tab), Kakmachi, Sharpunkha (Livie Tab);
• Darusita, Vijaysar, Jambu-beej, Methi.
These lower the raised insulin in the blood by increasing tissue sensitivity to it.
3. Harmonize the production and activity of estrogen (अपान-वायु साम्यता):
This could be done by using -
• Ashok, Lodhra, Lajjalu (Gynorm tab) to reinforce the proloferative phase; and
• Ulat-kambal, Hirabol,Ghrit-kumari (Mensiflo tab) to reinforce the secretory phase.
4. Reinforce the thyroid functions (समान-वायु साम्यता) and obesity (स्थौल्यम्):
In case, the patient has associated hypothyroidism and/or obesity, there is a need to reinforce the thyroid functions. This could be done by using
• Brahmi, Guggulu, Gandira, Pippali, Rakra-marich (Thyrin tab) that seem to improve the production of thyroid hormones (समान-वायु साम्यता).
• Chitrak, Bhallatak, Guggulu (Revplaq Tab) could also be used for improving thyroid functions.
• Some drugs like Shunthi, Pippali, Marich, Chavya, Chitrak (Trikatu, Chaturushan, Panchkol) could also be used for by stimulating thyroid functions (दीपनम्) and metabolism (आमपाचनम्).
5. Reinforce mental health (रजस्-तमस् साम्यता):
In case, the patient has associated anxiety there is a need to manage the excessive anxiety. It could be done by using -
• Brahmi, Tagar (Mentocalm tab);
• Shankhpushpi, mandukparni, Jatamansi, etc.
In case the patient has mental depression, she should be advised anti-depressant drugs like -
• Jyotishmati, Akarkara, Vacha, Gandira (Eleva tab), etc.
6. Manage the associated diseases (सह-रोग उपचारः):
In the presence of other associated diseases, the same should be managed, as well.
Released for the information of AYUSH doctors, by:
Dr.Vasishth's AyuRemedies
डाॅ.वसिष्ठस् आयुरैमॅडीज़
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
M: 9419205439, 7043003374
Email: dvfiblon@gmail.com
Website: www.drvasishths.com
YouTube Channel: Dr.Vasishth's AyuRemedies
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