Sunday, January 29, 2017

GLYCIE Tablet Launching shortly


The Complete Anti-diabetic

(सम्पूर्ण मधुमेहघ्न)

  • मामज्जक (Eniscostemma littorale) ext. (10:1) 300 mg (3 ग्राम चूर्ण के बराबर);
  • मेषशृंगी (Gymnema sylvestre) ext. (10:1) 250 mg (2.5 ग्राम चूर्ण के बराबर);
  • लताकरञ्ज (Caesalpenia bonducella) ext. (10:1) 150 mg (1.5 ग्राम चूर्ण के बराबर);
  • कटुकी (Picrorrhiza kurroa) ext. (10:1) 50 mg (500 मिलीग्राम चूर्ण के बराबर);
  • पिप्पली (Piper longum) ext. (10:1) 40 mg (400 मिलीग्राम चूर्ण के बराबर);
  • रक्तमरिच (Capsicum frutescens) ext. (10:1) 8 mg (80 मिलीग्राम चूर्ण के बराबर); 
  • इन्द्रवारुणी (Cirullus colocynthis) ext. (10:1) 2 mg (20 मिलीग्राम चूर्ण के बराबर)

The principle of anti-pathogenesis of diabetes (मधुमेह की सम्प्राप्ति-विघात सिद्धांत पर आधारित)।

DOSAGE (मात्रा):
Start with 1 tablet thrice a day, just after meals (एक टैब्लेट दिन में 3 बार, भोजन के तत्काल बाद, शुरु करें)
   On getting satisfactory results, taper off the dose to the minimum level required (सन्तोषजनक परिणाम मिलने पर, धीरे-धीरे मात्रा घटाते जाएँ व कम से कम आवश्यक मात्रा तक ले आएँ)।
Dr. Sunil Vasishth
M. + 91-9419205439
Email : 

Website :

Monday, January 23, 2017



 अष्टांग औषध परीक्षा

Dear Young Ayurveda Doctor!
For a successful ayurveda treatment, proper use of the drugs is essential.

Unfortunately, not too many tests have been developed to test the efficacy of the proprietary ayurvedic drug formulations available on the market.

The major responsibility of testing the efficacy of the drug formulation, therefore lies on your shoulders, that you would be carrying out while sitting in your clinic.

To enable you do so, here I give an Eight-fold drug testing. Please read every test in detail, and put the same to use in your clinical practice.


Test - 1

You need to ensure that the drugs (ingredients) used in a given proprietary ayurvedic formulation belong to the First Line Drug category of the drugs, described for the management of the diseases, for which the said drug formulation has been indicated. 

For obvious reasons second and third line drugs will not be able to bring about the results equivalent to those of the first line drugs.

For example, for the management of infection the first line drugs are chirayata (sudarshan churna) and ativisha (bal-chatur-bhadra churna). So these should be the primary drugs in the anti-infective proprietary drug formulations. 

Suppose an ayurveda pharma company adds into its anti-infective proprietary drug formulation second or third line anti-infective drugs (manjishtha, sariva etc) as primary drugs, that proprietary drug formulation will not get you the desired results. Using such proprietary drug formulation will get you disrepute and dissatisfaction only.

Conclusion: Avoid proprietary drug formulations that use second and third line drugs as primary drugs.
Anti-infective, Anti-bacterial

Test - 2

You need to ensure that the drugs (ingredients) used in a given proprietary ayurvedic formulation are in therapeutically effective dose.

For obvious reasons, proprietary drug formulations having its ingredient drugs in lower doses will not be able to bring about the desired results.

For example, dose for the churna of a great majority of the medicinal herbs is 3-6 gms. So any proprietary tablet should have its ingredient drugs as follows - 

(i) Ideally each tablet should have 3-6 gm of the churna of the single or multiple herbs. As it will make the tablet too big to be swallowed, it would be adisable that the company makes smaller size tablets (250 mg / 500 mg / 750 mg / 1 g) and advises the dose as follows - 
  • If the tablet size is 250 mg of the churna, one dose shall be of 12-24 tablets;
  • If the tablet size is 500 mg of the churna, one dose shall be of 6-12 tablets;
  • If the tablet size is 750 mg of the churna, one dose shall be of 4-8 tablets; and
  • If the tablet size is 1 g of the churna, one dose shall be of 3-6 tablets.

(ii) Or, the company may use high quality whole extracts of the medicinal herbs, equivalent to the dose of the churna. For examples, a company using 10:1 extract of the medicinal herbs (single or multiple), it should make tablets as follows - 
  • For 3 gms churna, the tablet should contain 300 mg whole extract;
  • For 4 gms churna, the tablet should contain 400 mg whole extract;
  • For 5 gms churna, the tablet should contain 500 mg whole extract; and
  • For 6 gms churna, the tablet should contain 600 mg whole extract.

Suppose an ayurveda pharma company adds into its proprietary drug formulations less than the therapeutically effect dose of a single or multiple drug extracts, such drug formulations will not get you the desired results. Using such proprietary drug formulations will get you disrepute and dissatisfaction only.

Caution: Some companies may play foul by writing on the label : Each tablet contains extracts derived from Guduchi 300 mg (or any other drug).

This is a deceptive practice. Actually these figures mean that it contains 300 mg churna only. The extract is actually only 30 mg.

Conclusion: Avoid proprietary drug formulations that use drugs in less than therapeutically effective dose.
PILIE Tablet

Dr. Sunil Vasishth
M. + 91-9419205439
Email : 

Website :


जीर्ण कास चिकित्सा


Respected Doctor!

Chronic bronchitis is going to be the third most common cause of death by 2020.

As an ayurveda doctor we could do a lot to prevent this disease through proper patient education and management of the already established disease through proper ayurveda.

Let us come forward to shoulder our responsibility and do the best we could do for a healthier humanity.


The major underlying abnormality in chronic bronchitis is present in the lungs, where many types of noxious particles present in the atmospheric air, result in chronic inflammation of the bronchial mucosa.

  • Tobacco smoke;
  • Noxious particles - dust, silica, cadmium etc. in the air);
  • Low birth weight of the person;
  • Recurrent chest infections - bacterial and viral;
  • Malnutrition); etc.


I. Anti-tussives, Expectorants:

1. Shati, Madhuyashti, Zaharmohra, Yashad - Lergex tablet

The Ideal Anti-allergic, Anti-tussive

2. Kantakari (avaleha), Karkat-shringi (churna), Haridra (khanda), Tulasi (swarasa), Vasa (avaleha), Shirisha (kvatha), Shleshmatak (Lauq sapistan), etc.

II. Anti-astmatics & Bronchidilators:

1. Antamula, Dugdhika, Arka, Gandira - Asthex tablet

The Ideal Anti-asthmatic

2 Dhatura (Kanak-asava), etc.

III. Anti-inflammatory drugs:

1. Shallaki, Erandmula, Jatiphala - Loswel tablet

The Ideal Anti-allergic

2 Guggulu, Rasna, Dashamula, Madhuyashti, etc.

IV. Antioxidants:

1. Shilajatu, Amalaki, Muktashukti, Svarna-makshik, Abhrsk, Yashad - Minovit tablet

The Ideal Anti-allergic

2. Ashvagandha, Haritaki, etc

V. Metabolic stimulants:

1. Drugs that improve liver functions - Bhumi-amalaki, Kakamachi, Sharp unhappy - Livie tablet

LIVIE Tablet
The Ideal Liver tonic & Metabolic stimulant

2. Thyro-stimulants in associated obesity to burn out excess fat -

(ii) Rakta-maricha, Pippali, Gandira, Brahmi, Guggulu - Thyrin tablet

The Ideal Thyro-stimulant

(iii) Katuki, Guggulu, Pippali, Chitrak, Guggulu , Pippali, Gandira, Brahmi, Guggulu - Arogyavardhini

(iv) Shunthi, Pippali, Marich

VI. Nootropic (Medhya) drugs

1. Antidepressants in associated depression - 
Jyotishmati, Akarkara, Vacha, Gandira - Eleva tablet

ELEVA Tablet
The Ideal Antidepressant

2. Anti-anxiety in associated anxiety - 
Tagar, Brahmi - Mentocalm tablet
The Ideal Anti-anxiety

VII. Lifestyle:

1. Encourage the patient for regular exercise, and reassure the him/her about the resultant breathlessness during exercise;

2. Advise controlled light pranayama;

3. Advise nutritive diet;

4. Encourage the patient to take dinner early in the evening only;

5. Advise the patient to use warm water especially during winter;

6. Encourage the patient to lose excessive weight (fat).

VIII. Remove the cause:

1. Try hard to avoid smoking; and

2. Avoid the environment too much laden with dust, smoke etc. 
Dr. Sunil Vasishth
M. + 91-9419205439
Email : 

Website :