जीर्ण कास चिकित्सा
Respected Doctor!
Chronic bronchitis is going to be the third most common cause of death by 2020.
As an ayurveda doctor we could do a lot to prevent this disease through proper patient education and management of the already established disease through proper ayurveda.
Let us come forward to shoulder our responsibility and do the best we could do for a healthier humanity.
The major underlying abnormality in chronic bronchitis is present in the lungs, where many types of noxious particles present in the atmospheric air, result in chronic inflammation of the bronchial mucosa.
- Tobacco smoke;
- Noxious particles - dust, silica, cadmium etc. in the air);
- Low birth weight of the person;
- Recurrent chest infections - bacterial and viral;
- Malnutrition); etc.
I. Anti-tussives, Expectorants:
1. Shati, Madhuyashti, Zaharmohra, Yashad - Lergex tablet
The Ideal Anti-allergic, Anti-tussive
2. Kantakari (avaleha), Karkat-shringi (churna), Haridra (khanda), Tulasi (swarasa), Vasa (avaleha), Shirisha (kvatha), Shleshmatak (Lauq sapistan), etc.
II. Anti-astmatics & Bronchidilators:
1. Antamula, Dugdhika, Arka, Gandira - Asthex tablet
The Ideal Anti-asthmatic
2 Dhatura (Kanak-asava), etc.
III. Anti-inflammatory drugs:
1. Shallaki, Erandmula, Jatiphala - Loswel tablet
The Ideal Anti-allergic
2 Guggulu, Rasna, Dashamula, Madhuyashti, etc.
IV. Antioxidants:
1. Shilajatu, Amalaki, Muktashukti, Svarna-makshik, Abhrsk, Yashad - Minovit tablet
The Ideal Anti-allergic
2. Ashvagandha, Haritaki, etc
V. Metabolic stimulants:
1. Drugs that improve liver functions - Bhumi-amalaki, Kakamachi, Sharp unhappy - Livie tablet
LIVIE Tablet
The Ideal Liver tonic & Metabolic stimulant
2. Thyro-stimulants in associated obesity to burn out excess fat -
(ii) Rakta-maricha, Pippali, Gandira, Brahmi, Guggulu - Thyrin tablet
The Ideal Thyro-stimulant
(iii) Katuki, Guggulu, Pippali, Chitrak, Guggulu , Pippali, Gandira, Brahmi, Guggulu - Arogyavardhini
(iv) Shunthi, Pippali, Marich
VI. Nootropic (Medhya) drugs
1. Antidepressants in associated depression -
Jyotishmati, Akarkara, Vacha, Gandira - Eleva tablet
ELEVA Tablet
The Ideal Antidepressant
2. Anti-anxiety in associated anxiety -
Tagar, Brahmi - Mentocalm tablet
The Ideal Anti-anxiety
VII. Lifestyle:
1. Encourage the patient for regular exercise, and reassure the him/her about the resultant breathlessness during exercise;
2. Advise controlled light pranayama;
3. Advise nutritive diet;
4. Encourage the patient to take dinner early in the evening only;
5. Advise the patient to use warm water especially during winter;
6. Encourage the patient to lose excessive weight (fat).
VIII. Remove the cause:
1. Try hard to avoid smoking; and
2. Avoid the environment too much laden with dust, smoke etc.
Dr. Sunil Vasishth
M. + 91-9419205439
Email : drvasishthsunil@gmail.com
Website : www.drvasishths.com