Ayurvedic Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
आमवात का आयुर्वैदिक उपचार
Dr. Brijbala Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa)
Dr. Sunil Vasishth MD (Ay-Kayachikitsa), PhD (Hridroga)
The underlying pathology in rheumatoid arthritis (आमवातः) is the production of auto-antibodies (आमविषः) that attack the joints, resulting in pain, inflammation, stiffness of the multiple joints. In addition, several other tissues, organs, and systems get affected too.
Overtime, with the complete destruction of the joints, contractures may develop that could cripple the patient, making the working difficult.
Other associated problems include – osteoporosis, cardiovascular disorders, interstitial lung disease, infection, depression, and even cancer.
Ayurvedic management of amavata (आमवातः/RA) could be carried out as below -
1. Modulate the immunity (आमविष-नाशनम्)
Use immune-modulator (आमविषहर) drugs that help modulate the abnormal immunity -
i. Primary Drugs:
Ashwagandha, Bhallatak, Bhumiamalaki, Chitrak, Tulasi, Shunthi, Shilajatu, Guduchi, Katuki, Suvarna.
Preparations: REVPLAQ Tablet, CARTOGEN Tablet, ANTIVIR Tablet, PHYLOCIL Tablet, Amrit-bhallatak, Arogyavardhini, Ashvagandha churna, Guduchi ghan-vati, Chitrak-haritaki, Ama-vatari rasa, Shilajatvadi vati, Shunthi / Vaishvanar / Trikatu churna, Suvarna bhasma, Vrihat-vata-chintamani rasa, Suvarnaprashan.
ii. Secondary Drugs:
Tamra, Malla, Tulasi, Pippali, Shilajatu, Yashad, Parad.
Preparations: Tamra bhasma, Malla-sindur, Samir-pannag rasa, Arogyavardhini, Tulasi swaras, Pippali churna, Shilajatvadi vati, Yashad bhasma.
2. Manage the inflammation (शोथहरम्)
Use anti-inflammatory (शोथहर) drugs to reduce the inflammation and stiffness -
i. Primary Drugs:
Shallaki, Erandmula, Guggulu, Rasna to lower the inflammation by their shotha-hara (anti-inflammatory) action.
Preparations: LOSWEL Tablet, REVPLAQ Tablet, Simhanad-guggulu, Trayo-dashang guggulu, Rasna-saptak kvath.
ii. Secondary Drugs:
Dashmula, Ashvagandha, Jatiphal, Haridra, Shunthi.
Preparations: Dashmula kvath, Ashvagandha churna, LOSWEL Tablet, Haridra churna, Shunthi / Trikatu / Panchkol churna.
3. Manage the pain (वेदनाहरम्)
Use analgesic (वेदनाहर) drugs that reduce the pain by blocking pain signals -
i. Primary Drugs:
Jatiphal, Vatsanabh, Godanti relieve pain by their vata-hara activity of blocking the pain signals in the brain and spinal cord (central analgesic action), and lowering stimulation of pain nerve endings – nociceptors (peripheral analgesic action).
Preparations: DOLID Tablet, Jatiphal churna, Hinguleshwar rasa, Maha-vata-vidhwansana rasa, Godanti bhasma.
ii. Secondary Drugs:
Tagar, Parsika-yavani, Rakta-marich, Guggulu, Shallaki, Pippalimula.
Preparations: DEALCO Tablet, MENTOCALM Tablet, REVPLAQ Tablet, LOSWEL Tablet, Pippalimula churna, Maha-yograj guggulu.
4. Antioxidants (रसायनम्)
Use antioxidant (रसायन) drugs that reinforces body's defences -
i. Primary Drugs:
Asthi-shrinkhala, Arjuna, Mandukparni to stimulate osteoblastic activity and Muktashukti, Amalaki, Abhrak, Yashad to supplement calcium, minerals, and vitamins essential, to reinforce new bone formation in osteo-porotic bones.
Preparations: NUBON Tablet, OSSIE Tablet, Arjuna churna, Mukta-shukti bhasma, Amalaki rasayana, Abhrak bhasma, Yashad bhasma.
ii. Secondary Drugs:
Ashvagandha, Shilajatu, Dugdhika, Mandukparni, Yashad, Kapikachhu to stimulate chondroblastic activity for reinforce weakening and damaged joint cartilage.
Preparations: CARTOGEN Tablet, HIGRO Tablet, Ashvagandha churna, Shilajatvadi vati.
iii. Tertiary Drugs:
Shilajatu, Amalaki, Mukta-shukti, Abhrak, Yashad, Svarna-makshik to supplement antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.
Preparations: MINOVIT Tablet, Shilajatvadi vati, Chandra-prabha vati, Yashad bhasma, Abhrak bhasma, Mukta-shukti bhasma.
iv. Supportive Drugs:
Shatavari, Gokshura, Haritaki, Panchatikta, Katuki, Gandhak.
Preparations: Gandhak rasayana, Shatavari churna, Gokshura churna, Erand-bhrishta Haritaki, Chitrak Haritaki, Pancha-tikta-ghrit guggulu, Katuki churna.
5. External treatment (बहि:चिकित्सा)
Abhyanga with oils medicated with Gandhapura, Saral-srava, Tailaparna, Karpura, Yavanika, Podinaka, Darusita, Shunthi, Devadaru, Nirgundi, Erandmula, Rakta-marich may bring about relief in pain, stiffness, and other complaints.
Preparations: LOSWEL Oil, Panchguna Taila, Maha-vishagarbha Taila.
Released for the information of AYUSH doctors by:
Dr.Vasishth's AyuRemedies
डाॅ.वसिष्ठस् आयुरैमॅडीज़
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Bharat
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Email: dvfiblon@gmail.com
Website: www.drvasishths.com