Management of Growth problems (Height & weight) with HiGro Tablet
(हाइग्रो टैब्लेट)
Repected Doctors!
Thanks a lot for accepting the HiGro Tablet - the Rasayana for the Growing Children & Adolescents.
Today we discuss its various aspects that you may like to know.
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Physiology of Growth:
Growth of the children and adolescents largely depends upon the secretion of the growth hormone (GH) in the pituitary gland, that in turn is regulated by the hypothalamus through growth hormone - releasing hormone (GHRH).
Several factors either inhibit (✖) or stimulate (✔) the secretion of the growth hormone as under -
✖ Low levels of testosterone
✔ High levels of testosterone
✖ High fat diet
✔ High protein diet
✖ Eating through out the day
✔ Eating at right time, on feeling hungry
✖ Low physical activity
✔ High physical activity
✖ Disturbed sleep
✔ Deep sleep
✖ Sleeping late night after 11 pm
✔ Sleeping before 11 pm
✖ Too much of mental stress
✔ Staying mentally balanced
Categories of the HiGro Tablet:
- Androgenic (वृष्य)
- Anabolic (पुष्टिकृत्)
- Rasayana (रसायन)
- Antioxidant (रसायन)
- Immuno-modulator (रसायन)
- General tonic (बल्य)
- अश्वगन्धा (Withania somnifera) ext. 340 mg
- कपिकच्छु (Mucuna pruriens) ext. 250 mg
- शिलाजतु (Asphaltum) sh. 200 mg
- यशद (Zinc) bh. 10 mg
Mode of Action of the Individual ingredients:
- Ashvagandha is an excellent androgenic (अतिशुक्रलः), anabolic (पुष्टिकृत्), general tonic (बलवर्धनम्), immuno-modulator and antioxidant (रसायन), regenerative (क्षयापहा), neurotropic (अनिलापहा) drug.
- Kapikachhu is an excellent androgenic (भृशंवृष्य, वाजीकरं परम्, शुक्रकरं परम्), anabolic (बृंहणी), general tonic (बल्यम्), neurotropic (वातशमनम्), anti-tremor (कम्वातहरम्) drug. In addition, it is rich in L-DOPA - an important factor that stimulates the release of GHRH (Growth hormone releasing-hormone) from the hypothalamus, that in turn stimulates GH (Growth hormone) secretion from the pituitary gland.
- Shilajatu is an excellent androgenic (वाजीकरम्), antioxidant (रसायनम्), growth promoter (क्षयहरम्), general tonic (बल्यम्) etc. It contains a large number of trace minerals vital for the growth of body cells. It has been regarded as a panacea for all the curable health problems (न सोऽस्ति रोगो भुवि साध्यरूपः शिलाह्वयं यं न जयेत् - च.चि.1:3-65).
- Yashad (zinc) is an established antioxidant and growth promoter (धातुवर्धक). Zinc deficiency is the cause of stunted growth in one third of the world population. In addition, zinc is a key factor in the production of testosterone, whose deficiency results in growth problems, both in adolescent boys, as well as, girls.
Pharmacodynamics & Pharmacokinetics:
- Disintegration time (DT): 15-20 minutes
- Onset of action: The action starts with in a few hours but is evident in several months.
- Duration of action: 6-8 hrs
- Level of absorption: > 90%
- Degradation: Hepatic
- Excretion: Mainly through urine (and stools)
- Safety: Well tolerated. No toxicity reported.
Actions of the HiGro Tablet:
- Androgenic - promotes the production of testosterone (male hormone) both in adolescent boys and girls, that in turn stimulates the secretion of growth hormone;
- Anabolic - promotes the growth and development of the muscles and bones especially in the growing children & adolescents;
- Antioxidant - supplements zinc and a large number of trace minerals;
- General tonic;
- Immuno-modulator - raises body immunity and prevents a large number of diseases (esp. infections and allergy) in children and adolescents that could hamper their growth;
- Neurotropic - as it supplies L-DOPA that stimulates the secretion of the growth hormone from the pituitary gland.
- Children & adolescents with low / slow general body growth;
- Weak children and adolescents;
- Children having recurrent infections and allergy due to compromised immunity;
11-14 years: 1 tablet 3 times a day;
15-18 years: 2 tablets 3 times a day;
For the best results kindly focus on the lifestyle of the children & adolescents as follows:
- Encourage them to stay physically active and avoid prolonged sitting;
- Ensure adequate intake of proteins, vitamins, and minerals, especially calcium (OSSIE Tablet) and avoid too much of fats and sugar (junk foods);
- Encourage the children & adolescents to sleep before 11 pm and avoid factors that disturb the deep sleep;
- Cultivate the habit of eating enough food at right time when the hunger is at its peak, and avoid nibbling (अध्यशन) in between (meals);
- Help the children and adolescents to manage the mental stress.
Use with caution in girls suffering from PCOS.
For further details, click the link:
Dr. Sunil Vasishth
M. + 91-9419205439
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Dr. Sunil Vasishth
M. + 91-9419205439
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